Happy Father's Day! We hope your day is extra special. With all the toy repairing, waffle making, tickle monstering, storytelling and ball retrieving you’ve been doing, we hope you take a moment to recognize just how much you’re appreciated. Bit by bit, everything you do is adding up to make a huge difference in someone’s life. On that note, here’s a glimpse into the Father’s Day message you might get many years from now!


Dear Dad,

Happy Father’s Day! Now that I’m all grown up and graduating from university, I appreciate how much I rely on your words every day. When I see a flock of birds, I think of how much you taught me about migration; when I can’t figure out a problem, I hear you telling me to break down the steps; when I get in the car, the first thing I do is put my seat belt on —all because of you.

You’ve taught me so much. But most importantly, you’ve taught me the importance of an education, and saving for the future. You invested in my learning, by encouraging me to do my homework, by taking my childish questions seriously and by showing me where to find the answers I needed. You “made do,” as you put it, so you could invest in my RESP each and every year.

Because you had the foresight to put away money early on, little by little, that money grew and grew over the years. Thanks to my RESP and my summer jobs, I graduated with a math degree and a teacher’s college certification, with zero debt. You taught me the importance of saving, and you can bet I’ll be passing that lesson on to my students, and one day, my own kids. I may not be able to give you back all you’ve given me, but I’ll certainly pay it forward.


           Your No. 1 Fan


See? Though you might not realize it when you’re in the thick of it, you’re teaching your child how they can thrive in this world. And there’s no greater gift than watching your child find their path. From all of us at CST Spark, thank you for all that you do, and all that you teach.

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