“Share the Joy” Program
Terms & Conditions
For a limited time, CST Savings Inc. is offering existing and new customers who participate in this program a $25 “Amazon.ca Gift Card” (limited quantities available). For clarity, both the existing CST customer (the “Referrer”) and the new customer (the ”Referee") are eligible to receive a $25 “Amazon.ca Gift Card” if a new CST Advantage Plan is opened by the Referee after their name has been submitted into the program by the Referrer. The requirements are as follows:
- For the Referee to be eligible, the new CST Advantage Plan opened by the Referee must be for a child less than five years of age as at January 31, 2025 and have either a set monthly contribution schedule of at least $50/month and 4 contributions are made prior to May 30, 2025 OR have an annual contribution schedule of at least $600 and the initial contribution is made prior to January 31, 2025.
- The Referrer is eligible for this offer provided, the Referrer’s existing CST plan is ’active’ and in good standing as of May 30, 2025 and the new CST Advantage Plan opened by the Referee* continues to be ’active’ as of May 30, 2025 (119 days after program closes on January 31, 2025).
A new customer is an individual who has not previously opened a CST Savings RESP at any time prior to this offer. To be eligible the new customer must:
1. Have been referred by an existing CST customer via the program landing page @ https://www.cstsavings.ca/share-the-joy?repId?customerId (provided by CST Savings),
2. Open a CST Advantage Plan, name a new beneficiary(ies) who is (are) a legal resident of Canada and under the age of 5 as of January 31, 2025, and has(have) not been named as a beneficiary(ies) in any other CST Savings RESPs at any time prior to this offer.
3. Be a legal resident of Canada and have reached the age of majority in the province or territory in which he or she resides at the start time of the Offer Period.
4. Accept the terms and conditions of the CST Advantage Plan as set out in the current Prospectus and Education Savings Plan Agreement. A copy of the Prospectus may be downloaded at cstsavings.ca or obtained from C.S.T. Savings Inc by sending a written request to C.S.T. Savings Inc., 1600-2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario M2J 5B8; and
5. Comply with the conditions set out below:
This Offer opens September 3, 2024 and expires at midnight on January 31, 2025, and the registration form must be completed and submitted by midnight January 31, 2025 (the “Offer Expiry Time”).
New customers must open a CST Advantage Plan, with either a monthly contribution schedule of at least $50/month and four consecutive monthly contributions (of at least $50 each) have been successfully processed before 11:59 p.m. on May 30, 2025 or an annual contribution schedule of at least $600/year and the first contribution (of at least $600) has been successfully processed before 11:59 p.m. on January 31, 2025.
General Terms
Offer period: September 3, 2024 to January 31, 2025
*Eligibility for the offer is dependent on the CST Advantage Plan being suitable for the new customer.
Delivery of Amazon.ca Gift Card will be emailed to qualified Referrer’s and Referee’s, by June 16, 2025, as applicable in the described circumstances.
Deposits to the plan must be made through a Canadian Banking Institution from an account held in the name of the new customer to the plan.
CST Savings reserves the right to exercise its absolute discretion to withdraw, terminate, suspend or modify the Offer in whole or in part, or to vary, delete or add to any of these Terms and Conditions at any time and from time to time without prior notice, whether or not the decision is to rectify an error or mistake made by CST Savings, or some event has occurred that renders continuing the Offer, as currently designed, either impractical or imprudent.
CST Savings also reserves the right to exercise an absolute discretion to end the Offer earlier or to extend the Offer Period. The new and existing customer acknowledges that any discretionary decision by CST Savings authorized by these Terms and Conditions is not subject to judicial or other kind of review.
CST Savings reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend, disqualify, limit or revoke this Offer to any new or existing customer it finds or believes to be manipulating or otherwise abusing the process, fairness, or integrity of the Offer.
To the extent that these Terms and Conditions are inconsistent with any other communication, advertisement, or statement (a "Message") from CST Savings, these Terms and Conditions will supersede all other Messages.
By expressing to CST Savings an interest in accepting this Offer, the new and existing customer agrees that he or she has read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agrees to be bound by them. Any subsequent notice published by CST Savings that relates to this Offer is deemed to be provided on the day it is posted on the CST Savings website: https://www.cstsavings.ca/.